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157 Radnor Lake Again 2010-02-04

Ganier Memorial at Radno Lake

My hike of the week returned me to Radnor Lake. I had hiked and blogged about the Radnor trails on October 28, but the Park was too crowded on that day. I took a few pictures but not many. Someone was always in the way. I decided to return to the Park and try again.

Once again the trails were busy, but not nearly as crowded as on my previous visit. On a near perfect day we started hiking from the West Parking Area. After a short hike up Otter Creek Road we turned south to join the South Cove and South Lake trails. Off of the pavement we walked the moderate grade to the ridge. Of course we were stopping regularly to take pictures of the trail and other points of interest.

Back on Otter Creek Road we walked east to connect to the Lake Trail. After crossing the boardwalk we were greeted by the cushioning mulch of the Christmas trees past, who had been shredded and strewn over the trail. We soon departed the lush trail and climbed the Ganier Ridge Trail. A serious hiker passed us speed walking. He was training for Appalachian Trail section hikes and was serious about his exercise.

Crossing the ridge was a great hike. We paused to read the Ganier memorial plaque and to look north at the skyline of Nashville. Shortly after the memorial the trail descended to the cove and rejoined the Lake Trail.

Volunteers were laboring to eradicate invasive plants near the lake as we passed.

Soon we were back at the Visitors Center after a good day of hiking. Radnor’s trails are great. The Park is a prime example of people visiting natural areas. There are no swing sets, golf courses, inns, restaurants, stores, or campgrounds. They do not allow running, dogs (on the trails), feeding the animals, feeding the geese, fishing, or hunting. The Park only has a parking area and Visitors Center on the west and a parking area and restroom on the east. Users still flock to the Park even though it offers only natural beauty and trails. Huh.

Happy natural trails.


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