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677 Mummy Mountain 2012-07-13

Mummy Mountain from the Lawn Lake Trail

Sitting to the north of Lawn Lake, Mummy Mountain watches over the northern range of Rocky Mountain National Park. It is not the highest mountain in the range, but it is massive. Last year as we hiked to Lawn Lake, we stared with climbing eyes at the gentle southeast ridge rising to the summit. We added the route to our list.

After finishing Bluebird Lake Trail, we were ready for a good climb, Mummy was next.

Waking at 0315, we drove the short distance to the trailhead. We were walking by 0400. I hate walking in the dark, but sometimes, you just have to start early and hike by headlamp. It is not much fun.

From the trailhead, the Lawn Lake Trail climbs for almost a mile before it accesses the gorge formed by the Roaring River. The path stays close to the river all the way to Lawn Lake, leaving it only for brief intervals to perform a few switchbacks and then return.

After about 5.5 miles the trail comes to the Black Canyon Trail junction. We turned right and followed the trail for 0.25 miles to a slight ridge. A cairn (rock stack) marked the general area to leave the trail. The objective here was to climb through the trees to the shoulder. There were many cairns, but it was difficult to find a traveled path. The woods are not very dense and we just picked the path of least resistance.

looking down at the shoulder

On the shoulder the slope looks steeper than we thought. We climbed and climbed. The slope to the side of the ridge was Class 2 (having to at times use hands to climb). The views gave us many good reasons to take breaks. We continually stopped to take photos and to breathe.

Southeast slope of Mummy

The ridge was trail-less for it's two mile distance (one way). It was a very good hike, but felt it was strenuous.

Lawn Lake from near the top

The views from the top were excellent.

A few trail notes ...

The trailhead has privies and an information kiosk.

The trailhead parking is often filled at midday.

Lawn Lake Trail is a multi-use trail. Hikers share the trail with horses. When we hiked the trail, the horses left a lot of evidence of their passage. The smells took away from the beauty of the area.

Climbing straight up the slope near the ridge (on your left) is the shortest path, but also is the steepest. We switchbacked across the open terrain - adding mileage but lessening the walking grade of the slope.

The Southeast Slope is 2 miles long. You will spend a few hours above treeline, exposed to the weather. Keep a good eye to the sky and turn around if threatening weather moves into the area.

We didn't see anyone else on the route.

The route is isolated and exposed. Pack accordingly. Any rescue would not be speedy.

We worked on the cairned path through the trees to the initial shoulder. Hopefully, we helped it.

Happy Mummy trails


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