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814 Memorial Day Weekend 2013-05-27

Musicians Corner in Centennial Park

Musicians Corner

We traditionally spend Memorial Day Weekend in town. We'd like to get away, but there are just too many obstacles to hurdle. Oh, but no need to feel sorry for us, we are leaving in a short while to spend the summer in the mountains. Over Memorial Day weekend, we try to do a hike or ride every day, as time will allow, and to start getting ready for the trip.

The spring weather in Middle Tennessee has been rainy, especially on the weekends, but Memorial Day weekend was supposed to be cool and dry. We couldn't believe that some unexpected front wasn't about to ambush us, but the forecast held true.

On Saturday after spending the morning with house and yard chores, we decided to treat ourselves to a bicycle ride. My wife and I went on one of my regular riding loops. Leaving the house we rode to Centennial Park. There was excitement in the Park and lots of people. What was going on? Ah, Musicians Corner was in full swing. The event features music on stage and festivities all around the grounds. It was well attended on the perfect weather day.

Continuing through the Park the roads, paths, and sidewalks were all very congested. We love to see others - young and old - playing outside. It was quite a day.

Richland Creek Greenway boardwalk bridge

Oops, we didn't shoot photos on the ride, but this is the Greenway

Leaving the Park we rode to McCabe Park and the Richland Creek Greenway. Once again, the Park area was busy. Games were being held at all the ballfields and many folks were playing golf. The greenway was busy with runners, walkers, dog-walkers, and bicycles.

Throughout the day, everyone seemed to be in good spirits. It was a great day to be outdoors and for the Metro Park system. The day exemplified the Park's Mission Statement "It is the mission of the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation to provide every citizen of Nashville and Davidson County with an equal opportunity for safe recreational and cultural activities within a network of parks and greenways that preserves and protects the region's natural resources." (copied from link)

The rest of the weekend was filled with two cookouts, dinner at VienerFest (a new German restaurant near Centennial Park), and two hikes in Warner Parks.

We hope everyone was able to get out and celebrate over Memorial Day weekend. Just don't forget to also say a special thanks to all those who have spent time in service to the people of America. Thanks

Happy Memorial Day trails


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