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011 Thanksgiving Coming 2008-11-26

Thanksgiving home

This year is going to be different... we are not going to be home for Thanksgiving. Our daughter and dog are going to be at home but my wife and I are going to North Carolina. Dragging both feet we are going.

As much as I like to do things in the outdoors, I like even more to spend Thanksgiving at home. You know, over the river and through the woods, eat lots of food, and watch football. Christmas - I don’t care, NYE - phasha; July Fourth - huh?; but Thanksgiving is family time. Though we are only going to be gone for one day it is THE day. Though we will be doing all of the above on Thanksgiving, it is still not at home and we will not be with our daughter and dog.

So what makes me want to be so Thankful? I think mine comes from a time when I was single and unable to go to my parents for Thanksgiving. On that dreary day I decided to go out for dinner instead of cooking at my apartment, but to my surprise could not find a restaurant that was open. I finally settled on eating at a Waffle House where I sat alone at the counter and listened to Mabel, the waitress, tell me over and over how much she didn’t want to be working. Sob. Sob. I think she was just out for a bigger tip, but I didn’t make much money then, and if I did I would have flown home and not been in the Waffle House. Mabel just had to be satisfied with my bubbling personality.

My Thanksgiving is to be with family and friends at home. Whatever it takes to make the day special for you I hope you find it, even if it is dinner with Mabel.


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