Scree - June 27, 2011 Mountain Trip - Traveling
Flat East Prairie
Colorado, 27JUN11
After a good night's rest, I piddled in the rest area's camping loop for a couple of hours before getting underway. It had been very windy all night and continued into the morning. While heating water on the stove, I couldn't keep the stove lit without building a wind block.
So looking across the landscape from the rest area, Kansas is flat; but East Prairie, Missouri is flatter. There are small rises in the Kansas terrain, whereas in East Prairie it is flat. I think all of the blades of grass are even the same height.
Oh, the internet did not work in the rest area. Well, it actually did work, I just didn't have the patience to wait a couple of hours for a page to load.
After breakfast, I left for REI's flagship store in Denver. It was busy as usual. The shoes I wanted were out of stock; but I did find a few trinkets.
On to Mark's in Boulder. Traffic was crazy as I waited on Highway 36 for ever. There were two police officers with radar guns pointing; but the cars were all creeping because of the traffic. Maybe they were using a dummy in the car staging like a fake officer using a radar gun. I guess a better use of the policeman's time would have been to find out why traffic was so backed up and how to ease the congestion.
I did stop at the REI in Boulder and got the shoes I was looking for. I tried on several sizes and found a good fit. I hope they last for the summer.
It is hot in Boulder.
Wish you were here.
I will post a journal entry, maybe this afternoon on my climb of Bear Peak yesterday. It was a good adventure.