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Scree - January 22, 2011

Stones River Greenway Map

cloudhiking - Stones River, Skate Park to Kohls

We just finished the first section of the Stones River Greenway map. Due to the length of the Greenway, we split the map into two sections - Skate Park to Kohls and Kohls to the Dam, YMCA, and Stewarts Ferry.

Currently we are working on the Guide to the Skate Park to Kohls section and will soon try to finish the map for the Kohls to Percy Priest Dam section.

The Skate Park to Kohls section begins in Two Rivers Park near exit 10 on Briley Parkway and ends at the Target/Kohls stores on Lebanon Pike. Starting at the Skate Park the path goes through Two Rivers Park to the Middle School. A tunnel takes the path under McGavock Pike and then down a steeeep hill to the Water Works and Heartland soccer fields. The path leaves Heartland and crosses Stones River. After the bridge the rolling path goes around a large farming area and to the edge of Ravenswood Golf Course. The path intersects Stones River Road and follows it to Lebanon Road. At Lebanon Road the path crosses Stones River on the old highway bridge (no vehicles) and then goes under the bridge to the Kohls Trailhead.

This section of path links Percy Priest Dam to Shelby Bottoms and downtown Nashville. The Shelby Bottoms Trailhead to Percy Priest Dam is 14.25 miles of isolated path. What a treasure! If you live near the area it is worth daily visits. If you live in driving distance it makes a great destination outing. A round trip can easily become 40 miles! (The extra distance comes from extending the trip to downtown and continuing to Metro Center and Bi-Centennial Mall.) Be sure to put it on your to do list.

(Skate Park to Kohls Map)

Michelle Obama Blamed for the Rise in Pedestrian Deaths

Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" program designed to help fight obesity has been charged with causing a slight rise in pedestrian deaths.

Okay folks, I am once again at one of those "I don't understand" moments. Why would anyone be against anything in the Lets Move program? It promotes health and fitness for all people. If there is a rise in pedestrian accidents, perhaps we should pass laws that would provide more protection for the pedestrians; but not blame the program.

If the Lets Move program works and obesity begins to decline, will these same accusers also credit her with that trend? Probably not. I think it is time to let goodness be good and void of politics. It is time for our Nation to work together for common goodness.

(Lets Move) (Grist Article)